Grace Story

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Grace Story

Anderson Middle School, Millard Public School District University of Nebraska-Lincoln


  • Nebraska Writing Collective (2018-2022)
  • ELL Volunteer with Lincoln Asian Center (2020-2022)
  • Prairie Schooner Intern Editor (2019)
  • Attended 2023 Nebraska Writing Project Summer Institute
  • Board member for NeLAC 

Grace (Gugel) Story is a 6th-grade English Language Arts teacher at Andersen Middle School in the Millard Public Schools District in Omaha. She has a passion for writing and creating writing-related curriculum for students. Grace has worked with the Nebraska Writing Collective, volunteered with ELL students at the Lincoln Asian Center, interned as an editor for Prairie Schooner, and attended the Nebraska Writing Project 2023 Summer Institute. All of these experiences have been foundational for her, highlighting the power of written works and the importance of in-depth, accessible writing instruction. 

Growing up in Chicago, Grace always had an interest in writing. This interest has continued to grow, and you can find Grace's works published in various literary magazines, as well as in Poet's Choice's Zest for Pets and her self-published chapbook, Eight Pills a Day. When she isn't teaching, advising Yearbook, and working as Assistant Director for Andersen's musicals, she can be found in coffee shops around Omaha writing away. 

She hopes to be able to inspire young minds to embrace the difficulties of writing. She believes that students need to push themselves to try writing in different styles, genres, and formats. In challenging situations, students can grow so much more than if they stay in their comfort zone. She hopes to re-write the script of the negative associations middle schoolers hold towards writing and motivate them to create works they are proud of, no matter the format. Also, she wishes to continue making space for creative, personal writing within the classroom in addition to the academic-focused writing students already practice. She believes that "Writing is a major form of self-expression, one that holds more permanence than just spoken words. Writing also yields the opportunity to be shared and studied for generations. All students have the necessary skills and creativity within them to be successful writers and, most importantly, they all have their own stories to tell."