Shari Stenberg
Professor English University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
ANDR 342
Lincoln NE 68588-0333 - Phone
As I tell my WMNS 101: Intro to Women’s and Gender Studies students, I love to teach this course because it invites us to place concepts of gender and sexuality in dialogue with our daily lives, our histories, and our future plans. In fact, my students often share that they connect ideas from our class to their other courses, the media they view, and conversations they have with friends and family. To me, this is the best kind of learning—learning that reaches beyond the classroom to change how we view the world around us.
The conversations we have in WMNS 101 are enlivened by students who represent a range of academic and experiential backgrounds. In both the course’s design and its student population, WMNS 101 is truly interdisciplinary. This means we not only study topics like women’s suffrage and political participation, body image, and health and reproduction from a range of academic perspectives, but that students bring insights from their majors and experiences to bear on these issues. Because we are learning not just about a set of abstract ideas, but about our very identities, my 101 students become a community, connecting with and extending one another’s ideas and experiences. We all leave the experience richer for the learning we do together.
Ph.D., English, University at Albany - State University of New York
B.A., Drake University